December 4 - Survival and discounting
- Antoine Bommier (ETH Zurich), The dead are always wrong
- Antoine Bozio (PSE), Measuring discount rate heterogeneity
November 13 - Pension systems
- Bernhard Ebbinghaus (Mannheim U.), Overcoming early retirement in Europe
- Patrick Aubert (INSEE), Sharing gains in life expectancy: Which balance between a longer career and a longer retirement span?
October 2 - The economics of the Demographic Transition
- Ronald Lee (U.C. Berkeley), Consequences of changing population age distributions across the Demographic Transition and in aging societies
- Grégory Ponthière (PSE), Optimal fertility along the life-cycle
September 4 - Age at retirement
- Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (T.U. Vienna), Optimal choice of health and retirement in a life-cycle model
- Hippolyte d'Albis (PSE), Factors explaining retirement age trends: a quantitative assessment
June 5 - Income and living standards: demographic aspects
- David Lam (U. Michigan), Family size of women and family size of children during the Demographic Transition
- Laurent Toulemon (INED), Consumption units and equivalence scales in a multi-residence framework
May 15 - The economics of longevity
- Pierre Pestieau (Liège U.), The public economics of increasing longevity
- André Masson (PSE), Très cher héritage : peut-on encore justifier sa taxation ?
April 3 - Intergenerational transfers of time and habits
- Matthijs Kalmijn (Tilburg U.), How mothers allocate support among adult children: evidence from a multiactor survey
- Anne Solaz (INED), Intergenerational transmission of domestic work patterns and gender roles
March 6 - Demographic perspectives
- Joshua Goldstein (MPIDR), Demographic tensions within the EU
- Nicolas Brouard (INED), Long term decline of mortality in France, some biases which hide the Gompertz law of mortality and the plateauing of life expectancy
February 7 - Inaugural seminar
- David de la Croix (UC Louvain), Dinks, dewks & co. Marriage, fertility childlessness in the US
- François Bourguignon (PSE), Evolution de l'inégalité mondiale des niveaux de vie